saltproc.reactor module

class saltproc.reactor.Reactor(volume=1.0, mass_flowrate=0.0, power_levels=[0.0], depl_hist=[1])[source]

Bases: object

Class contains information about current state of the reactor.

__init__(volume=1.0, mass_flowrate=0.0, power_levels=[0.0], depl_hist=[1])[source]

Initializes the class.

  • volume (float) – Total volume of the reactor core (\(cm^3\)).

  • mass_flowrate (float) – Total mass flowrate through reactor (g/s).

  • power_levels (array [\(N_{steps}\) x1]) – Normalized power level for each depletion step (W).

  • depl_hist (array [\(N_{steps}\) x1]) – Cumulative depletion time (d).