saltproc.process module

class saltproc.process.Process(*initial_data, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Class describes process which must be applied to Materialflow to change burnable material composition.

__init__(*initial_data, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes the Process object.

  • mass_flowrate (float) – mass flow rate of the material flow (g/s)

  • capacity (float) – maximum mass flow rate of the material flow which current process can handle (g/s)

  • volume (float) – total volume of the current facility (\(cm^3\))

  • efficiency (dict of str to float) –


    element name for removal (not isotope)


    removal efficency for the isotope (weight fraction)

  • optional_parameter (float) – user can define any castom parameter in the input file describing processes and use it in efficiency function


Based on data from json file with Processes description calculate value (float) of the removal efficiency. If it was str describing efficiecny as a function (eps(x,m,t,P,L)) then calculating value. If it constant (float in processes.json) then just keep it as is.


el_name (str) – Name of target element to be removed.


efficiency – Extraction efficiency for el_name element.

Return type



Checking that Process.outflow + Process.waste_stream is equal Process.inflow and the total mass is being conserved. Returns True if the mass conserved or False if its mismatched.


Updates Materialflow object inflow after removal target isotopes with specific efficiency in single component of fuel reprocessing system and returns waste stream Materialflow object.


inflow (Materialflow obj) – Target material stream to remove poisons from.


Waste stream from the reprocessing system component.

Return type

Materialflow object