saltproc.depcode module¶
- class saltproc.depcode.Depcode(codename, exec_path, template_path, input_path, iter_matfile, geo_file=None, npop=50, active_cycles=20, inactive_cycles=20)[source]¶
Abstract class for interfacing with monte-carlo particle transport codes. Contains information about input, output, geometry, and template files for running depletion simulations. Also contains neutron population, active, and inactive cycles. Contains methods to read template and output files, and write new input files for the depletion code.
- __init__(codename, exec_path, template_path, input_path, iter_matfile, geo_file=None, npop=50, active_cycles=20, inactive_cycles=20)[source]¶
Initializes the Depcode object.
- Parameters
codename (str) – Name of depletion code.
exec_path (str) – Path to depletion code executable.
template_path (str) – Path to user input file for depletion code.
input_path (str) – Name of input file for depletion code rerunning.
iter_matfile (str) – Name of iterative, rewritable material file for depletion code rerunning. This file is modified during the simulation.
geo_file (str or list, optional) – Path to file that contains the reactor geometry. List of str if reactivity control by switching geometry is On or just str otherwise.
npop (int, optional) – Size of neutron population per cycle for Monte Carlo.
active_cycles (int, optional) – Number of active cycles.
inactive_cycles (int, optional) – Number of inactive cycles.
- abstract read_dep_comp(dep_file, read_at_end=False)[source]¶
Reads the depleted material data from the depcode simulation and returns a dictionary with a Materialflow object for each burnable material.
- Parameters
dep_file (str) – Path to file containing results of depletion simulation
read_at_end (bool, optional) – Controls at which moment in the depletion step to read the data. If True, the function reads data at the end of the depletion step. Otherwise, the function reads data at the beginning of the depletion step.
- Returns
mats – Dictionary that contains Materialflow objects.
Name of burnable material.
Materialflow object holding composition and properties.
- Return type
dict of str to Materialflow
- abstract run_depcode(cores, nodes)[source]¶
Runs depletion code as a subprocess with the given parameters.
- Parameters
cores (int) – Number of cores to use for depletion code run.
nodes (int) – Number of nodes to use for depletion code run.
- abstract write_depcode_input(temp, inp, reactor, dep_step, restart)[source]¶
Writes prepared data into depletion code input file(s).
- Parameters
temp (str) – Path to depletion code template file
inp (str) – Path to input file for depletion code rerunning
reactor (Reactor) – Contains information about power load curve and cumulative depletion time for the integration test.
dep_step (int) – Current depletion time step.
restart (bool) – Is the current simulation restarted?
- abstract write_mat_file(dep_dict, mat_file, dep_end_time)[source]¶
Writes the iteration input file containing the burnable materials composition used in depletion runs and updated after each depletion step.
- Parameters
dep_dict (dict of str to Materialflow) –
Dictionary that contains Materialflow objects.
Name of burnable material.
Materialflow object holding composition and properties.
mat_file (str) – Path to file containing burnable materials composition.
dep_end_time (float) – Current time at the end of the depletion step (d).
- class saltproc.depcode.DepcodeSerpent(exec_path='sss2', template_path='reactor.serpent', input_path='data/saltproc_reactor', iter_matfile='data/saltproc_mat', geo_file=None, npop=50, active_cycles=20, inactive_cycles=20)[source]¶
Class contains information about input, output, geometry, and template files for running Serpent2 depletion simulations. Also contains neutrons population, active, and inactive cycles. Contains methods to read template and output files, write new input files for Serpent2.
- __init__(exec_path='sss2', template_path='reactor.serpent', input_path='data/saltproc_reactor', iter_matfile='data/saltproc_mat', geo_file=None, npop=50, active_cycles=20, inactive_cycles=20)[source]¶
Initializes the DepcodeSerpent object.
- Parameters
exec_path (str) – Path to Serpent2 executable.
template_path (str) – Path to user input file for Serpent2.
input_path (str) – Name of input file for Serpent2 rerunning.
iter_matfile (str) – Name of iterative, rewritable material file for Serpent2 rerunning. This file is modified during the simulation.
geo_file (str or list, optional) – Path to file that contains the reactor geometry. List of str if reactivity control by switching geometry is On or just str otherwise.
npop (int, optional) – Size of neutron population per cycle for Monte Carlo.
active_cycles (int, optional) – Number of active cycles.
inactive_cycles (int, optional) – Number of inactive cycles.
- change_sim_par(template_data)[source]¶
Finds simulation parameters (neutron population, cycles) in the Serpent2 template file and change them to the parameters from the SaltProc input file.
- Parameters
template_data (list) – List of strings parsed from user’s Serpent2 template file.
- Returns
input_data – List of strings containing Serpent2 input file with new simulation parameters.
- Return type
- create_iter_matfile(template_data)[source]¶
line with path to material file, copies content of this file to iteration material file, changes path ininclude
line to newly created iteration material file.- Parameters
template_data (list) – List of strings parsed from user’s template file.
- Returns
input_data – List of strings containing modified user template file.
- Return type
- get_nuc_name(nuc_code)[source]¶
Returns nuclide name in human-readable notation: chemical symbol (one or two characters), dash, and the atomic weight. Lastly, if the nuclide is in metastable state, the letter m is concatenated with number of excited state. For example, Am-242m1.
- Parameters
nuc_code (str) – Name of nuclide in Serpent2 form. For instance, Am-242m.
- Returns
nuc_name (str) – Name of nuclide in human-readable notation (Am-242m1).
nuc_zzaaam (str) – Name of nuclide in zzaaam form (952421).
- get_tra_or_dec(input_file)[source]¶
Returns the isotopes map to transform isotope zzaaam code to Serpent2. Uses Serpent2 *.out file with list of all isotopes in simulation.
- Parameters
input_file (str) – Serpent2 input file name and path.
- Returns
isotope_map – Contains mapping for isotopes names from zzaaam to Serpent2 name imported from Serpent2 ouput file:
The key is nuclide name in zzaaam format. For example, 922350 or 982510.
Serpent2-oriented name. For instance, 92235.09c for transport isotope or 982510 for decay only isotope).
- Return type
dict of str to str
- insert_path_to_geometry(template_data)[source]¶
include <first_geometry_file>
line on the 6th line of Serpent2 input file.- Parameters
template_data (list) – List of strings parsed from user’s template file.
- Returns
template_data – List of strings containing modified path to geometry in user’s template file.
- Return type
- read_dep_comp(input_file, read_at_end=False)[source]¶
Reads the Serpent2 *_dep.m file and returns a dictionary with a Materialflow object for each burnable material.
- Parameters
input_file (str) – Path to Serpent2 input file.
read_at_end (bool, optional) – Controls at which moment in the depletion step to read the data. If True, the function reads data at the end of the depletion step. Otherwise, the function reads data at the beginning of the depletion step.
- Returns
mats – Dictionary that contains Materialflow objects.
Name of burnable material.
Materialflow object holding composition and properties.
- Return type
dict of str to Materialflow
- read_depcode_info()[source]¶
Parses initial simulation info data from Serpent2 output and stores it in the DepcodeSerpent object’s
- read_depcode_step_param()[source]¶
Parses data from Serpent2 output for each step and stores it in DepcodeSerpent object’s
- read_depcode_template(template_path)[source]¶
Reads prepared Serpent2 template (input) file for use in other class functions that prepare the input file for multiple runs.
- Parameters
template_path (str) – Path to user template file for depletion code.
- Returns
tempalate_data – List of strings containing user template file.
- Return type
- replace_burnup_parameters(template_data, reactor, current_depstep_idx)[source]¶
Adds or replaces the
set power P dep daystep DEPSTEP
line in the Serpent2 input file. This line defines depletion history and power levels with respect to the depletion step in the single run and activates depletion calculation mode.- Parameters
template_data (list) – List of strings parsed from user template file.
reactor (Reactor) – Contains information about power load curve and cumulative depletion time for the integration test.
current_depstep_idx (int) – Current depletion step.
- Returns
template_data – List of strings containing modified in this function template file.
- Return type
- run_depcode(cores, nodes)[source]¶
Runs Serpent2 as a subprocess with the given parameters.
- Parameters
cores (int) – Number of cores to use for Serpent2 run (-omp flag in Serpent2).
nodes (int) – Number of nodes to use for Serpent2 run (-mpi flag in Serpent2).
- sss_meta_zzz(nuc_code)[source]¶
Checks Serpent2-specific meta stable-flag for zzaaam. For instance, 47310 instead of 471101 for Ag-110m1. Metastable isotopes represented with aaa started with
.- Parameters
nuc_code (str) – Name of nuclide in Serpent2 form. For instance, 47310.
- Returns
nuc_zzaam – Name of nuclide in zzaaam form (471101).
- Return type
- write_depcode_input(temp_file, inp_file, reactor, dep_step, restart)[source]¶
Writes prepared data into the depletion code input file.
- Parameters
template_file (str) – Path to Serpent2 template file.
input_file (str) – Path to input file for Serpent2 rerunning.
reactor (Reactor) – Contains information about power load curve and cumulative depletion time for the integration test.
dep_step (int) – Current depletion time step.
restart (bool) – Is the current simulation restarted?
- write_mat_file(dep_dict, mat_file, dep_end_time)[source]¶
Writes the iteration input file containing the burnable materials composition used in Serpent2 runs and updated after each depletion step.
- Parameters
dep_dict (dict of str to Materialflow) –
Dictionary that contains Materialflow objects.
Name of burnable material.
Materialflow object holding composition and properties.
mat_file (str) – Path to file containing burnable materials composition.
dep_end_time (float) – Current time at the end of the depletion step (d).