saltproc.simulation module¶
- class saltproc.simulation.Simulation(sim_name='default', sim_depcode='depcode', db_path='db_saltproc.h5', restart_flag=True, adjust_geo=False, compression_params=Filters(complevel=9, complib='blosc', shuffle=True, bitshuffle=False, fletcher32=True, least_significant_digit=None))[source]¶
Class for handling simulation information. Contains information for running simulation wiht parallelism. Also contains the simulation name, a Depcode object, and the filename for the simulation database. Contains methods to store simulation metadata and depletion results in a database, predict reactor criticality at next depletion step, and switch simulation geometry.
- __init__(sim_name='default', sim_depcode='depcode', db_path='db_saltproc.h5', restart_flag=True, adjust_geo=False, compression_params=Filters(complevel=9, complib='blosc', shuffle=True, bitshuffle=False, fletcher32=True, least_significant_digit=None))[source]¶
Initializes the Simulation object.
- Parameters
sim_name (str) – Name to identify the simulation. May contain information such as the number of a reference case, a paper name, or some other specific information identify the simulation.
sim_depcode (Depcode object) – An instance of one of the Depcode child classes
db_path (str) – Path of HDF5 database that stores simulation information and data.
restart_flag (bool) – This value determines our initial condition. If True, then then we run the simulation starting from the inital material composition in the material input file inside our depcode object. If False, then we runthe simulation starting from the final material composition resulting within the .h5 database.
adjust_geo (bool) – This value determines if we switch reactor geometry when keff drops below 1.0
compression_params (Pytables filter object) – Compression parameters for HDF5 database.
- check_restart()[source]¶
If the user set restart_flag for False clean out iteration files and database from previous run.
- Parameters
restart_flag (bool) – Is the current simulation restarted?
- check_switch_geo_trigger(current_time, switch_time)[source]¶
Compares the current timestep with the user defined times at which to switch reactor geometry, and returns True if there is a match.
- Parameters
current_timestep (int) – Current time after depletion started.
switch_time (list) – List containing moments in time when geometry have to be switched.
- Returns
is the next geometry must be used at the next step?
- Return type
- read_k_eds_delta(current_timestep)[source]¶
Reads from database delta between previous and current keff at the end of depletion step and returns True if predicted keff at the next depletion step drops below 1.
- Parameters
current_timestep (int) – Number of current depletion time step.
- Returns
Is the reactor will become subcritical at the next step?
- Return type
- store_after_repr(after_mats, waste_dict, dep_step)[source]¶
Add data for waste streams [grams per depletion step] of each process to the HDF5 database after reprocessing.
- Parameters
after_mats (Materialflow) – Materialflow object representing a material stream after performing reprocessing.
waste_dict (dict of str to Materialflow) –
Dictionary that maps Process objects to waste Materialflow objects.
Process name (str)
Materialflow object containing waste streams data.
dep_step (int) – Current depletion time step.
- store_mat_data(mats, dep_step, store_at_end=False)[source]¶
Initialize the HDF5/Pytables database (if it doesn’t exist) or append the following data at the current depletion step to the database: burnable material composition, mass, density, volume, temperature, burnup, mass_flowrate, void_fraction.
- Parameters
mats (dict of str to Materialflow) –
Dictionary that contains Materialflow objects.
Name of burnable material.
Materialflow object holding composition and properties.
dep_step (int) – Current depletion step.
store_at_end (bool, optional) – Controls at which moment in the depletion step to store data from. If True, the function stores data from the end of the depletion step. Otherwise, the function stores data from the beginning of the depletion step.
- store_run_init_info()[source]¶
Adds the following depletion code and SaltProc simulation parameters to the database: neutron population, active cycles, inactive cycles, depletion code version simulation title, depetion code input file path, depletion code working directory, cross section data path, # of OMP threads, # of MPI tasks, memory optimization mode (Serpent), depletion timestep size.